This crystal created by mother earth is passed through sage smoke and infused with reiki energy to bring you all the key elements this crystal can bring.
Shungite is linked to our Root Chakra, known as the Muladhara Chakra in Sanskrit. This is the energy we associate with entrenching ourselves to Mother Earth, and the core foundation of both physical and spiritual evolution.
The spiritual meaning of Shungite is that of a ‘Neutralizer’. Equally balancing the left and right sides of your body, or ying and yang.
Thus, it’s the stone for those who wish to feel more balance in their masculine and feminine energies, in case one is overcompensating for the other.
Shungite is a rare black stone made of up to 99 percent carbon.
The stone has a unique composition. It contains fullerenes, or 3-D spherical molecules made of 60 carbon atoms. These molecules are hollow and sometimes called buckyballs.
Along with fullerenes, shungite consists of nearly all the minerals on the periodic table.
The origin of shungite is a mystery. Typically, materials made of carbon come from decayed organic substances like old forests. But the stone is thought to be at least 2 billion years old. This is before organic life existed on the planet.
Some theories of shungite’s origins include:
- a large meteorite collided into Earth and deposited shungite into the ground
- shungite formed due to microorganisms in nearby water
- the composition of organic matter in sedimentary rocks changed over time
Although scientists are unsure of how shungite was formed or where it came from, they attribute the stone’s potential benefits to its fullerene content.