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This candle was specifically created to help you connect to your true desires, to bring you hope, inspiration and motivation, and to help you attract what you want in your life.


Each one individually crafted from wick to crystal. 



    Aventurine, often referred to as the "Stone of Opportunity," is prized for its association with abundance and prosperity. This green-hued crystal is believed to attract good luck, wealth, and opportunities, creating an energetic environment conducive to financial growth and overall success. Aventurine is cherished for its positive and optimistic vibrations, making it a popular choice for those seeking to manifest abundance in various aspects of their lives.

  • Rutilated Clear Quartz symbolizes amplified spiritual energy and clarity, as the clear quartz magnifies intentions while the golden rutile threads enhance spiritual insight and transformation.


This candle was specifically made for abundance and prosperity. 

Aventurine and Rutilated Quartz Intention Candle

$24.95 Regular Price
$18.95Sale Price
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